We present a new method for adaptive surface meshing and triangulationwhichcontrolsthelocallevel–of–detailofthesurface approximation by local spectral estimates. These estimates are determined by a waveletrepresentation of the surface data. The basic idea is to decompose the initial data set by means of an orthogonal or semi–orthogonal tensor product wavelet transform (WT) and to analyzetheresultingcoefficients.Insurfaceregions,wherethepartialenergyoftheresultingcoefficientsislow,thepolygonalapproximation of the surface can be performed with larger triangles without loosing too much fine grain details. However, since the localizationoftheWTisboundbytheHeisenbergprinciplethemeshing method has to be controlled by the detail signals rather than directlybythecoefficients.ThedyadicscalingoftheWTstimulated ustobuildanhierarchicalmeshingalgorithmwhichtransformsthe initially regular data grid into a quadtree representation by rejectionofunimportantmeshvertices.Theoptimumtriangulationoft...
Oliver G. Staadt, Markus H. Gross, Roger Gatti