

Fast Scenario-Based Design Space Exploration using Feature Selection

12 years 10 months ago
Fast Scenario-Based Design Space Exploration using Feature Selection
: This paper presents a novel approach to efficiently perform early system level design space exploration (DSE) of MultiProcessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) based embedded systems. By modeling dynamic multi-application workloads using application scenarios, optimal designs can be quickly identified using a combination of a scenario-based DSE and a feature selection algorithm. The feature selection algorithm identifies a representative subset of scenarios, which is used to predict the fitness of the MPSoC design instances in the genetic algorithm of the scenario-based DSE. Results show that our scenario-based DSE provides a tradeoff between the speed and accuracy of the early DSE.
Peter van Stralen, Andy D. Pimentel
Added 19 Apr 2012
Updated 19 Apr 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where ARCS
Authors Peter van Stralen, Andy D. Pimentel
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