

A feasibility analysis of power-awareness and energy minimization in modern interconnects for high-performance computing

14 years 4 months ago
A feasibility analysis of power-awareness and energy minimization in modern interconnects for high-performance computing
High-performance computing (HPC) systems consume a significant amount of power, resulting in high operational costs, reduced reliability, and wasting of natural resources. Therefore, power consumption has become an increasingly important design constraint in high-performance clusters. In this regard, research on power-aware HPC has emerged. While most research has focused at understanding and utilizing applications' behavior to scale down the CPU for energy savings, this paper demonstrates the positive impact of modern interconnects in delivering energy-efficiency in highperformance clusters. In this work, we first present the powerperformance profiles of the Myrinet-2000 and Quadrics QsNetII at the user-level and MPI-level in comparison to a traditional, non-offloaded Gigabit Ethernet. Such information enables us to devise a power-aware MPI runtime library that automatically and transparently performs message segmentation and reassembly in order to increase energy savings. Second...
Reza Zamani, Ahmad Afsahi, Ying Qian, V. Carl Hama
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 14 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Reza Zamani, Ahmad Afsahi, Ying Qian, V. Carl Hamacher
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