

A Feature-Based Approach to Modeling Protein-DNA Interactions

15 years 3 months ago
A Feature-Based Approach to Modeling Protein-DNA Interactions
Transcription factor (TF) binding to its DNA target site is a fundamental regulatory interaction. The most common model used to represent TF binding specificities is a position specific scoring matrix (PSSM), which assumes independence between binding positions. In many cases this simplifying assumption does not hold. Here, we present feature motif models (FMMs), a novel probabilistic method for modeling TF-DNA interactions, based on Markov networks. Our approach uses sequence features to represent TF binding specificities, where each feature may span multiple positions. We develop the mathematical formulation of our models, and devise an algorithm for learning their structural features from binding site data. We evaluate our approach on synthetic data, and then apply it to binding site and ChIP-chip data from yeast. We reveal sequence features that are present in the binding specificities of yeast TFs, and show that FMMs explain the binding data significantly better than PSSMs. Key wo...
Eilon Sharon, Eran Segal
Added 03 Dec 2009
Updated 03 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Eilon Sharon, Eran Segal
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