

Feature Oriented Progressive Lossless Mesh Coding

13 years 10 months ago
Feature Oriented Progressive Lossless Mesh Coding
A feature-oriented generic progressive lossless mesh coder (FOLProM) is proposed to encode triangular meshes with arbitrarily complex geometry and topology. In this work, a sequence of levels of detail (LODs) are generated through iterative vertex set split and bounding volume subdivision. The incremental geometry and connectivity updates associated with each vertex set split and/or bounding volume subdivision are entropy coded. Due to the visual importance of sharp geometric features, the whole geometry coding process is optimized for a better presentation of geometric features, especially at low coding bitrates. Feature-oriented optimization in FOLProM is performed in hierarchy control and adaptive quantization. Efficient coordinate representation and prediction schemes are employed to reduce the entropy of data significantly. Furthermore, a simple yet efficient connectivity coding scheme is proposed. It is shown that FOLProM offers a significant rate-distortion (R-D) gain over the ...
Jingliang Peng, Yan Huang, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Ilya Eck
Added 01 Feb 2011
Updated 01 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CGF
Authors Jingliang Peng, Yan Huang, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Ilya Eckstein, M. Gopi
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