

A Framework for Transfer Colors Based on the Basic Color Categories

14 years 8 months ago
A Framework for Transfer Colors Based on the Basic Color Categories
Usually, paintings are more appealing than photographic images. This is because paintings have styles. This style can be distinguished by looking at elements such as motif, color, shape deformation and brush texture. In our work, we focus on the effect of “color” element and devise a method for transforming the color of an input photograph according to a reference painting. To do this, we consider basic color category concepts in the color transformation process. By doing so, we achieve large but natural color transformations of an image.
Youngha Chang, Suguru Saito, Masayuki Nakajima
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CGI
Authors Youngha Chang, Suguru Saito, Masayuki Nakajima
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