

A frequency-based approach for efficient plenoptic sampling

15 years 2 months ago
A frequency-based approach for efficient plenoptic sampling
In image-based light field rendering, many efforts have been made to improve the efficiency of the modeling. This efficiency pertains to the photorealism and compression of a given model. We propose a new way to improve these two aspects. We show that it is better to sample the plenoptic function on a surface that minimizes the frequency content of all its lumispheres. We also demonstrate an additional constraint based on the visual hull that further guides the sampling of the plenoptic function around an object. We propose a corresponding algorithm that relies on images alone and only suppose that the modeled object is opaque. This algorithm is then validated on both real and synthetic data sets.
Jean-Daniel Deschênes, Patrick Hébert
Added 23 Oct 2009
Updated 27 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICIP
Authors Jean-Daniel Deschênes, Patrick Hébert, Philippe Lambert
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