—The detectability and discriminability of virtual haptic gratings were analyzed in the frequency domain. Detection (Exp. 1) and discrimination (Exp. 2) thresholds for virtual haptic gratings were estimated using a force-feedback device that simulated sinusoidal and square-wave gratings with spatial periods from 0.2 to 38.4 mm. The detection threshold results indicated that for spatial periods up to 6.4 mm (i.e., spatial frequencies >0.156 cycle/mm), the detectability of square-wave gratings could be predicted quantitatively from the detection thresholds of their corresponding fundamental components. The discrimination experiment confirmed that at higher spatial frequencies, the square-wave gratings were initially indistinguishable from the corresponding fundamental components until the third harmonics were detectable. At lower spatial frequencies, the third harmonic components of square-wave gratings had lower detection thresholds than the corresponding fundamental components. Th...
Steven A. Cholewiak, Kwangtaek Kim, Hong Z. Tan, B