—There are many different uses for haptics, such as training medical practitioners, teleoperation or navigation of virtual environments. This review focuses on haptic methods tha...
—As technology advances, more functions have been, and continue to be added to the vehicle, resulting in increased needs for improved user interfaces. In this paper, we investiga...
Jonghyun Ryu, Jaemin Chun, Gunhyuk Park, Seungmoon...
—This paper is concerned with investigating the factors that contribute to optimizing information transfer (IT) rate in humans. With an increasing interest in designing complex h...
Hong Z. Tan, Charlotte M. Reed, Nathaniel I. Durla...
—Temporal discontinuities and delay caused by packet loss or communication latency often occur in multimodal telepresence systems. It is known that such artifacts can influence ...
Zhuanghua Shi, Heng Zou, Markus Rank, Lihan Chen, ...
—The detectability and discriminability of virtual haptic gratings were analyzed in the frequency domain. Detection (Exp. 1) and discrimination (Exp. 2) thresholds for virtual ha...
Steven A. Cholewiak, Kwangtaek Kim, Hong Z. Tan, B...
—Participants learned through feedback to haptically classify the identity of upright versus inverted versus scrambled faces depicted in simple 2D raised-line displays. We invest...
Tara A. McGregor, Roberta L. Klatzky, Cheryl L. Ha...
—It is believed that the use of haptic sensors to measure the magnitude, direction, and distribution of a force will enable a robotic hand to perform dexterous operations. Theref...