

Game chromatic index of graphs with given restrictions on degrees

14 years 2 months ago
Game chromatic index of graphs with given restrictions on degrees
Given a graph G and an integer k, two players alternatively color the edges of G using k colors so that adjacent edges get different colors. The game chromatic index g(G) is the minimum k for which the first player has a strategy that ensures that all edges of G get colored. The trivial bounds are (G) g(G) 2(G) - 1, where (G) denotes the maximal degree of G. Lam, Shiu, and Xu and, independently, Bartnicki and Grytczuk asked whether there is a constant C such that g(G) (G) + C for every graph G. We show that the answer is in the negative by constructing graphs
Andrew Beveridge, Tom Bohman, Alan M. Frieze, Oleg
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TCS
Authors Andrew Beveridge, Tom Bohman, Alan M. Frieze, Oleg Pikhurko
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