

Generalized ordinal sums and translations

13 years 5 months ago
Generalized ordinal sums and translations
We extend the lattice embedding of the axiomatic extensions of the positive fragment of intuitionistic logic into the axiomatic extensions of intuitionistic logic to the setting of substructural logics. Our approach is algebraic and uses residuated lattices, the algebraic models for substructural logics. We generalize the notion of the ordinal sum of two residuated lattices and use it to obtain embeddings between subvariety lattices of certain residuated lattice varieties. As a special case we obtain the above mentioned embedding of the subvariety lattice of Brouwerian algebras into an interval of the subvariety lattice of Heyting algebras. We describe the embeddings both in model theoretic terms, focusing on the subdirectly irreducible algebras, and in syntactic terms, by showing how to translate the equational bases of the varieties.
Nikolaos Galatos
Added 29 Aug 2011
Updated 29 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where IGPL
Authors Nikolaos Galatos
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