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A residuated algebra (RA) is a generalization of a residuated groupoid; instead of one basic binary operation · with residual operations \, /, it admits finitely many basic oper...
We extend the lattice embedding of the axiomatic extensions of the positive fragment of intuitionistic logic into the axiomatic extensions of intuitionistic logic to the setting of...
In this note we present a completion for the variety of bounded distributive quasi lattices, and, inspired by a well-known idea of L.L. Maksimova [14], we apply this result in prov...
We show that the equational theory of representable lattice-ordered residuated semigroups is not finitely axiomatizable. We apply this result to the problem of completeness of su...
This paper presents J-MADeM, a multi-modal decision making mechanism to provide agents in a Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) with a market-based model for complex decision problems. J-MA...
Francisco Grimaldo, Miguel Lozano, Fernando Barber
The notions of ultrametric distances and cyclic valuations appear when the set of values of the distance map is a cyclically ordered set. These structures can be described as subsp...
Clustering is a branch of multivariate analysis that is used to create groups of data. While there are currently a variety of techniques that are used for creating clusters, many ...
Javier Bajo, Juan Francisco de Paz, Sara Rodr&iacu...