

Generating Parallel Execution Plans with a Partial-order Planner

14 years 4 months ago
Generating Parallel Execution Plans with a Partial-order Planner
Manyreal-world planning problems require generating plans that maximizethe parallelism inherent in a problem. There are a numberof partial-order planners that generate such plans; however, in most of these planners it is unclear underwhatconditions the resulting plans will be correct andwhetherthe plaltner canevenfind a plan if oneexists. Thispaperidentifies the underlying assumptionsabout whena partial plan can be executedin parallel, defines the classes of parallel plans that can be generatedby different partialorder planners, and describes the changesrequired to turn ucPoPinto a parallel execution planner. In "addition, wedescribe howthis planner can be applied to the problemof queryaccess planning, whereparallel execution producessubstantial reductions in overall execution time.
Craig A. Knoblock
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where AIPS
Authors Craig A. Knoblock
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