

Generating Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3) Using the Hopf Fibration

13 years 11 months ago
Generating Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3) Using the Hopf Fibration
Abstract The problem of generating uniform deterministic samples over the rotation group, SO(3), is fundamental to many fields, such as computational structural biology, robotics, computer graphics, astrophysics. We present the best-known method to date for constructing incremental, deterministic grids on SO(3); it provides the: 1) lowest metric distortion for grid neighbor edges, 2) optimal dispersionreduction with each additional sample, 3) explicit neighborhood structure, and 4) equivolumetric partition of SO(3) by the grid cells. We also demonstrate the use of the sequence on motion planning problems.
Anna Yershova, Swati Jain, Steven M. LaValle, Juli
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IJRR
Authors Anna Yershova, Swati Jain, Steven M. LaValle, Julie C. Mitchell
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