

Gestural Mind Markers in ECAs

14 years 7 months ago
Gestural Mind Markers in ECAs
We aim at creating Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs) able to communicate multimodally with a user or with other ECAs. In this paper we focus on the Gestural Mind Markers, that is, those gestures that convey information on the Speaker’s Mind; we present the ANVIL-SCORE, a tool to analyze and classify multimodal data that is a semantically augmented version of Kipp’s ANVIL [1]. Thanks to an analysis through the ANVIL-SCORE of a set Gestural Mind Markers taken from a corpus of video-taped data, we classify gestures both on the level of the signal and of the meaning; finally we show how they can be implemented in an ECA System, and how they can be integrated with facial and bodily communication.
Isabella Poggi, Catherine Pelachaud, Emanuela Magn
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where GW
Authors Isabella Poggi, Catherine Pelachaud, Emanuela Magno Caldognetto
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