

Graphics Hardware based Efficient and Scalable Fuzzy C-Means Clustering

14 years 4 months ago
Graphics Hardware based Efficient and Scalable Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
The exceptional growth of graphics hardware in programmability and data processing speed in the past few years has fuelled extensive research in using it for general purpose computations more than just image-processing and gaming applications. We explore the use of graphics processors (GPU) to speedup the computations involved in Fuzzy c-means (FCM). FCM is an important iterative clustering algorithm, and usually performs better than k-means. But for large data sets it requires substantial amount of time, which limits its applicability. FCM is an iterative algorithm that involves linear computations and repeated summations. Moreover, there is little reuse of the same data over FCM iterations (i.e., the centre of the clusters change in each iteration) and these characteristics make it a good candidate to be mapped to the parallel processors in the GPU to gain speed. We look at efficient methods for processing input data, handling intermediate results within the GPU with reusability of ...
S. A. Arul Shalom, Manoranjan Dash, Minh Tue
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors S. A. Arul Shalom, Manoranjan Dash, Minh Tue
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