

GroupLink: Group Event Recommendations Using Personal Digital Traces

8 years 8 months ago
GroupLink: Group Event Recommendations Using Personal Digital Traces
We present GroupLink, a group event recommendation system that suggests events to promote group members’ face-to-face interactions in non-work settings. GroupLink addresses the challenge of finding events that appeal to a collection of individuals with diverse interests. The system mitigates the difficulties of identifying and tracking group members’ preferences through analyzing and learning preferences from individual member’s personal digital traces, including social media, email, and online streaming histories. It is a web-based service that can be easily accessed using diverse devices, and is particularly suited for enhancing interpersonal interactions in CSCW. Author Keywords Recommender Systems, Personal Digital Traces, Immersive Recommendation, Group Event Recommendation ACM Classification Keywords H.4.m [Information System Applications]: Miscellaneous
Honghao Wei, Cheng-Kang Hsieh, Longqi Yang, Debora
Added 01 Apr 2016
Updated 01 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Where CSCW
Authors Honghao Wei, Cheng-Kang Hsieh, Longqi Yang, Deborah Estrin
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