

Guiding Reification in OWL through Aggregation

13 years 10 months ago
Guiding Reification in OWL through Aggregation
We put forward a methodological approach aimed at guiding ontology modellers in choosing which relations to reify. Our proposal is based on the notion of aggregation as used in conceptual modelling approaches for representing situations that, normally, would require nonbinary relations or complex integrity constraints. The feedback received from using the method in a real-word situation is that if offers a more controlled use of reification and a closer fit between the resulting ontology and the application domain as perceived by an expert.
Paula Severi, José Luiz Fiadeiro, David Eks
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where DLOG
Authors Paula Severi, José Luiz Fiadeiro, David Ekserdjian
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