

Hand Pose Recognition Using Curvature Scale Space

14 years 7 months ago
Hand Pose Recognition Using Curvature Scale Space
In this paper, we present a novel feature extraction approach based on Curvature Scale Space (CSS) for translation, scale, and rotation invariant recognition of hand poses. First, the CSS images are used to represent the shapes of boundary contours of hand poses. Then, we extract the multiple sets of CSS features to overcome the problem of deep concavities in contours of hand poses. Finally, nearest neighbour techniques are used to perform CSS matching between the multiple sets of input CSS features and the stored CSS features for hand pose identification. Results show the proposed approach can extract the multiple sets of CSS features from the input images and perform well for recognition of hand poses.
Chin-Chen Chang, I-Yen Chen, Yea-Shuan Huang
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICPR
Authors Chin-Chen Chang, I-Yen Chen, Yea-Shuan Huang
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