

HCI for technology enhanced learning

14 years 4 months ago
HCI for technology enhanced learning
The involvement of technology to support and enhance learning is ever increasing; for example moving from the traditional blackboard to electronic whiteboards, from printed books to virtual reality training simulations, and from class room meetings to (a-)synchronised meeting over the web with handheld mobile devices. These technologies promise improved efficiency for traditional ways of learning or even to open up totally new ways of learning. Designing technology-enhanced learning that engages learners in successful learning strategies requires an understanding of the learning context, learners' needs, motivations, habits and desires as well as ease of use. This workshop invites researchers, designers, and educators to discuss their work in this area and explore how HCI practices and methods can be applied or should be extended. Categories and Subject Descriptors K.3 [Computers and education]: Computer Uses in Education
Willem-Paul Brinkman, Charles van der Mast, Annett
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Willem-Paul Brinkman, Charles van der Mast, Annette Payne, Joshua Underwood
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