

Helping Physicians to Organize Guidelines Within Conceptual Hierarchies

14 years 8 months ago
Helping Physicians to Organize Guidelines Within Conceptual Hierarchies
Abstract. Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) are increasingly common in clinical medicine for prescribing a set of rules that a physician should follow. Recent interest is in accurate retrieval of CPGs at the point of care. Examples are the CPGs digital libraries National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) or Vaidurya, which are organized along predefined concept hierarchies. In this case, both browsing and concept-based search can be applied. However, mandatory step in enabling both ways to CPGs retrieval is manual classification of CPGs along the concepts hierarchy, which is extremely time consuming. Supervised learning approaches are usually not satisfying, since commonly too few or no CPGs are provided as training set for each class. In this paper we apply TaxSOM for multiple classification. TaxSOM is an unsupervised model that supports the physician in the classification of CPGs along the concepts hierarchy, even when no labeled examples are available. This model exploits lexical ...
Diego Sona, Paolo Avesani, Robert Moskovitch
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where AIME
Authors Diego Sona, Paolo Avesani, Robert Moskovitch
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