

On hierarchical statistical static timing analysis

14 years 7 months ago
On hierarchical statistical static timing analysis
— Statistical static timing analysis deals with the increasing variations in manufacturing processes to reduce the pessimism in the worst case timing analysis. Because of the correlation between delays of circuit components, timing model generation and hierarchical timing analysis face more challenges than in static timing analysis. In this paper, a novel method to generate timing models for combinational circuits considering variations is proposed. The resulting timing models have accurate input-output delays and are about 80% smaller than the original circuits. Additionally, an accurate hierarchical timing analysis method at design level using pre-characterized timing models is proposed. This method incorporates the correlation between modules by replacing independent random variables to improve timing accuracy. Experimental results show that the correlation between modules strongly affects the delay distribution of the hierarchical design and the proposed method has good accuracy ...
Bing Li, Ning Chen, Manuel Schmidt, Walter Schneid
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where DATE
Authors Bing Li, Ning Chen, Manuel Schmidt, Walter Schneider, Ulf Schlichtmann
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