

High-throughput Protein Interactome Data: Minable or Not?

15 years 2 months ago
High-throughput Protein Interactome Data: Minable or Not?
There is an emerging trend in post-genome biology to study the collection of thousands of protein interaction pairs (protein interactome) derived from high-throughput experiments. However, high-throughput protein interactome data, especially when derived from the Yeast 2-Hybrid (Y2H) method, have been generally believed to be irreproducible and unreliable, with an estimated high "noise ratio" of more than 50%. In this work, we performed a comprehensive study on approximately 70,000 protein interactions derived from a systematic yeast 2-hybrid (SY2H) method. We performed a comprehensive analysis of biases, reproducibility, statistical significance, and biologically significant patterns in this data set. Surprisingly, we found these protein interactions have a much higher quality. The data represented a comprehensive survey of the entire human proteome with no chromosomal location bias. The reproducibility rate of interactions among replicated searches was quite good, i.e., at...
Jake Yue Chen, Andrey Y. Sivachenko, Lang Li
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where KDD
Authors Jake Yue Chen, Andrey Y. Sivachenko, Lang Li
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