

How bodies matter: five themes for interaction design

14 years 6 months ago
How bodies matter: five themes for interaction design
Our physical bodies play a central role in shaping human experience in the world, understanding of the world, and interactions in the world. This paper draws on theories of embodiment—from psychology, sociology, and philosophy — synthesizing five themes we believe are particularly salient for interaction design: thinking through doing, performance, visibility, risk, and thick practice. We introduce aspects of human embodied engagement in the world with the goal of inspiring new interaction design approaches and evaluations that better integrate the physical and computational worlds. Author Keywords Embodiment, bodies, embodied interaction, ubiquitous computing, phenomenology, interaction design ACM Classification Keywords
Scott R. Klemmer, Björn Hartmann, Leila Takay
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Scott R. Klemmer, Björn Hartmann, Leila Takayama
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