

How a simple shift can significantly improve the performance of linear interpolation

15 years 3 months ago
How a simple shift can significantly improve the performance of linear interpolation
We present a simple, original method to improve piecewise linear interpolation with uniform knots: We shift the sampling knots by a fixed amount, while enforcing the interpolation property. Thanks to a theoretical analysis, we determine the optimal shift that maximizes the quality of our shifted linear interpolation. Surprisingly enough, this optimal value is nonzero and it is close to 1/5. We confirm our theoretical findings by performing a cumulative rotation experiment, which shows a significant increase of the quality of the shifted method with respect to the standard one. Most interesting is the fact that we get a quality similar to that of high-quality cubic convolution at the computational cost of linear interpolation.
Michael Unser, Philippe Thévenaz, Thierry B
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 27 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICIP
Authors Michael Unser, Philippe Thévenaz, Thierry Blu
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