

Human Frontal Lobes and AI Planning Systems

14 years 4 months ago
Human Frontal Lobes and AI Planning Systems
This paper presents an AI model of integrated planning and reaction based on neuropsychological theories of similar human behavior. The model forges a link between frontal lobe models and AI planning systems that can improve our understanding of situated planning through a combined perspective. This paper rst sets the frontal lobes in context, and then summarizes the frontal lobe theories upon which the model is based. Those theories are then synthesized into a single computational model for an arti cial frontal lobe, and the components are discussed fromboth neuropsychological and AI perspectives. The paper concludes with a discussion of evaluation issues.
Richard Levinson
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where AIPS
Authors Richard Levinson
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