

A hybrid camera for motion deblurring and depth map super-resolution

15 years 2 months ago
A hybrid camera for motion deblurring and depth map super-resolution
We present a hybrid camera that combines the advantages of a high resolution camera and a high speed camera. Our hybrid camera consists of a pair of low-resolution high-speed (LRHS) cameras and a single high-resolution low-speed (HRLS) camera. The LRHS cameras are able to capture fast-motion with little motion blur. They also form a stereo pair and provide a low-resolution depth map. The HRLS camera provides a high spatial resolution but also introduces severe motion blur when capturing fast moving objects. We develop efficient algorithms to simultaneously motion-deblur the HRLS image and reconstruct a high resolution depth map. Our method estimates the motion flow in the LRHS pair and then warps the flow field to the HRLS camera to estimate the point spread function (PSF). We then deblur the HRLS image and use the resulting image to enhance the low-resolution depth map using joint bilateral filters. We demonstrate the hybrid camera in depth map super-resolution and motion deblurring ...
Feng Li, Jingyi Yu, Jinxiang Chai
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 09 Apr 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CVPR
Authors Feng Li, Jingyi Yu, Jinxiang Chai
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