

The Hybrid-Layer Index: A synergic approach to answering top-k queries in arbitrary subspaces

13 years 12 months ago
The Hybrid-Layer Index: A synergic approach to answering top-k queries in arbitrary subspaces
In this paper, we propose the Hybrid-Layer Index (simply, the HL-index) that is designed to answer top-k queries efficiently when the queries are expressed on any arbitrary subset of attributes in the database. Compared to existing approaches, the HL-index significantly reduces the number of tuples accessed during query processing by pruning unnecessary tuples based on two criteria, i.e., it filters out tuples both (1) globally based on the combination of all attribute values of the tuples like in the layer-based approach (simply, layer-level filtering) and (2) based on individual attribute values specifically used for ranking the tuples like in the list-based approach (simply, list-level filtering). Specifically, the HL-index exploits the synergic effect of integrating the layer-level filtering method and the list-level filtering method. Through an in-depth analysis of the interaction of the two filtering methods, we derive a tight bound that reduces the number of tuples retrieved dur...
Jun-Seok Heo, Junghoo Cho, Kyu-Young Whang
Added 12 Feb 2011
Updated 12 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICDE
Authors Jun-Seok Heo, Junghoo Cho, Kyu-Young Whang
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