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Linked open data (LOD), as provided by a quickly growing number of sources constitutes a wealth of easily accessible information. However, this data is not easy to understand. It i...
Abstract-- Classification hierarchies are trees where links codify the fact that a node lower in the hierarchy contains documents whose contents are more specific than those one le...
In this paper, we propose the Hybrid-Layer Index (simply, the HL-index) that is designed to answer top-k queries efficiently when the queries are expressed on any arbitrary subset ...
Abstract— Existing semantic integration approaches to coordinating data do not meet the needs of real world scenarios which contain fine-grained relationships between data sourc...
Michael K. Lawrence, Rachel Pottinger, Sheryl Stau...
Abstract— We propose the Multi-resolution Correlation Cluster detection (MrCC), a novel, scalable method to detect correlation clusters able to analyze dimensional data in the ra...
Robson Leonardo Ferreira Cordeiro, Agma J. M. Trai...
— Autonomous index management in native XML DBMSs has to address XML’s flexibility and storage mapping features, which provide a rich set of indexing options. Change of worklo...
Abstract— Improving data quality is a time-consuming, laborintensive and often domain specific operation. A recent principled approach for repairing dirty database is to use dat...
Mohamed Yakout, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Jennifer Nevi...
—Many organizations are aiming to move away from traditional batch processing ETL to real-time ETL (RT-ETL). This move is motivated by a need to analyze and take decisions on as ...
Alkis Simitsis, Chetan Gupta, Song Wang, Umeshwar ...