

Ideograms in Polyscopic Modeling

14 years 6 months ago
Ideograms in Polyscopic Modeling
“addiction” is defined as a pattern (abstract relationship). Such definition allows us to look in a new way at a number of cultural issues including the values, the lifestyle and the use of technology. The definition of addiction is an opportunity to discuss several questions in information design: the need for adapting our traditional informing to our post-traditional, technological culture; methodological information design as the natural way to respond to that need; Polyscopic Modeling as the initial general-purpose information design methodology; generalizing science and combining it with art as the way to construct the methodology; the role of visual techniques – specifically ideograms – in so-conceived informing. Overview The theme of this article is the definition of a single word: addiction. The motivation for that theme is McLuhan’s wellknown observation that developing technical civilization while using old concepts is like driving a car while looking at the r...
Dino Karabeg
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where IV
Authors Dino Karabeg
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