

IEDB-3D: structural data within the immune epitope database

13 years 4 months ago
IEDB-3D: structural data within the immune epitope database
IEDB-3D is the 3D structural component of the Immune Epitope Database (IEDB) available via the ‘Browse by 3D Structure’ page at http://www.iedb .org. IEDB-3D catalogs B- and T-cell epitopes and Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) ligands for which 3D structures of complexes with antibodies, T-cell receptors or MHC molecules are available in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Journal articles that are primary citations of PDB structures and that define immune epitopes are curated within IEDB as any other reference along with accompanying functional assays and immunologically relevant information. For each curated structure, IEDB-3D provides calculated data on intermolecular contacts and interface areas and includes an application, EpitopeViewer, to visualize the structures. IEDB-3D is fully embedded within IEDB, thus allowing structural data, both curated and calculated, and all accompanying information to be queried using multiple search interfaces. These include queries for epitopes...
Julia V. Ponomarenko, Nikitas Papangelopoulos, Dir
Added 16 Sep 2011
Updated 16 Sep 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where NAR
Authors Julia V. Ponomarenko, Nikitas Papangelopoulos, Dirk M. Zajonc, Björn Peters, Alessandro Sette, Philip E. Bourne
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