

IGRhCellID: integrated genomic resources of human cell lines for identification

13 years 5 months ago
IGRhCellID: integrated genomic resources of human cell lines for identification
Cell line identification is emerging as an essential method for every cell line user in research community to avoid using misidentified cell lines for experiments and publications. IGRhCellID (http://igrcid is designed to integrate eight cell identification methods including seven methods (STR profile, gender, immunotypes, karyotype, isoenzyme profile, TP53 mutation and mutations of cancer genes) available in various public databases and our method of profiling genome alterations of human cell lines. With data validation of 11 small deleted genes in human cancer cell lines, profiles of genomic alterations further allow users to search for human cell lines with deleted gene to serve as indigenous knock-out cell model (such as SMAD4 in gene view), with amplified gene to be the cell models for testing therapeutic efficacy (such as ERBB2 in gene view) and with overlapped aberrant chromosomal loci for revealing common cancer
Cheng-Kai Shiau, De-Leung Gu, Chian-Feng Chen, Chi
Added 16 Sep 2011
Updated 16 Sep 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where NAR
Authors Cheng-Kai Shiau, De-Leung Gu, Chian-Feng Chen, Chi-Hung Lin, Yuh-Shan Jou
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