

Image-Based Motion Compensation for Structured Light Scanning of Dynamic Surfaces

14 years 4 months ago
Image-Based Motion Compensation for Structured Light Scanning of Dynamic Surfaces
: Many structured light scanning systems based on temporal pattern codification produce dense and robust results on static scenes but behave very poorly when applied to dynamic scenes in which objects are allowed to move or to deform during the acquisition process. The main reason for this lies in the wrong combination of encoded correspondence information because the same point in the projector pattern sequence can map to different points within the camera images due to depth changes over time. We present a novel approach suitable for measuring and compensating such kind of pattern motion. The described technique can be combined with existing active range scanning systems designed for static surface reconstruction making them applicable for the dynamic case. We demonstrate the benefits of our method by integrating it into a gray code based structured light scanner, which runs at thirty 3d scans per second.
Stefan Gumhold, Sören König
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Stefan Gumhold, Sören König
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