

Image-Guidance for Cardiac Surgery Using Dynamic Autostereoscpic Display System

15 years 1 months ago
Image-Guidance for Cardiac Surgery Using Dynamic Autostereoscpic Display System
An autostereoscopic display and analysis system has been developed to aid the development of three-dimensional (3-D) cardiac imaging for use during minimally invasive cardiac surgery. We have previously developed a dynamic autostereoscopic display device by integral videography autostereoscopic imaging method with high-resolution multi-projection technique. This paper integrated the high-quality autostereoscopic display system into imageguided cardiac surgery. The human heart was scanned in a sequence of volumetric images representing the motion of the human heart throughout the cardiac cycle, based on dynamic information of heart from CT scanning. Timesequence 3-D image analysis can be particularly useful in cardiac applications. This approach will allow us to acquire the optimum method to produce 3-D cardiac image for planning and guidance of minimally invasive cardiac surgery.
Hongen Liao, Nobuhiko Hata, Takeyoshi Dohi
Added 20 Nov 2009
Updated 20 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ISBI
Authors Hongen Liao, Nobuhiko Hata, Takeyoshi Dohi
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