

Image Segmentation Based on Watershed and Edge Detection Techniques

14 years 18 days ago
Image Segmentation Based on Watershed and Edge Detection Techniques
: A combination of K-means, watershed segmentation method, and Difference In Strength (DIS) map was used to perform image segmentation and edge detection tasks. We obtained an initial segmentation based on K-means clustering technique. Starting from this, we used two techniques; the first is watershed technique with new merging procedures based on mean intensity value to segment the image regions and to detect their boundaries. The second is edge strength technique to obtain an accurate edge maps of our images without using watershed method. In this paper: We solved the problem of undesirable oversegmentation results produced by the watershed algorithm, when used directly with raw data images. Also, the edge maps we obtained have no broken lines on entire image and the final edge detection result is one closed boundary per actual region in the image.
Nassir Salman
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Nassir Salman
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