
219views Education» more  CPC 2011»
13 years 9 months ago
On Percolation and the Bunkbed Conjecture
We study a problem on edge percolation on product graphs G× K2. Here G is any finite graph and K2 consists of two vertices {0, 1} connected by an edge. Every edge in G × K2 is p...
Svante Linusson
78views more  MST 2010»
14 years 25 days ago
Sensitivity of Wardrop Equilibria
We study the sensitivity of equilibria in the well-known game theoretic traffic model due to Wardrop. We mostly consider single-commodity networks. Suppose, given a unit demand fl...
Matthias Englert, Thomas Franke, Lars Olbrich
111views more  JCT 2010»
14 years 26 days ago
Anti-Ramsey properties of random graphs
We call a coloring of the edge set of a graph G a b-bounded coloring if no color is used more than b times. We say that a subset of the edges of G is rainbow if each edge is of a ...
Tom Bohman, Alan M. Frieze, Oleg Pikhurko, Cliffor...
196views Visualization» more  IV 2010»
14 years 26 days ago
3D Edge Bundling for Geographical Data Visualization
Visualization of graphs containing many nodes and edges efficiently is quite challenging since representations generally suffer from visual clutter induced by the large amount of...
Antoine Lambert, Romain Bourqui, David Auber
184views more  PR 2007»
14 years 1 months ago
Accurate object contour tracking based on boundary edge selection
In this paper, a novel method for accurate subject tracking, by selecting only tracked subject boundary edges in a video stream with a changing background and moving camera, is pr...
Myung-Cheol Roh, Tae-Yong Kim, Jihun Park, Seong-W...
102views more  TIP 1998»
14 years 2 months ago
Directional filtering in edge detection
— Two-dimensional (2-D) edge detection can be performed by applying a suitably selected optimal edge half-filter in n directions. Computationally, such a two-dimensional n-direc...
Andrew P. Paplinski
141views more  PRL 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Edge detection by scale multiplication in wavelet domain
This paper proposes a wavelet based edge detection scheme by scale multiplication. The dyadic wavelet transforms at two adjacent scales are multiplied as a product function to mag...
Lei Zhang 0006, Paul Bao
88views more  DM 2000»
14 years 2 months ago
Hamiltonian decomposition of recursive circulant graphs
The graph G(N; d) has vertex set V = {0; 1; : : : ; N - 1}, with {v; w} an edge if v - w
Daniel K. Biss
112views more  COMBINATORICS 2000»
14 years 2 months ago
A Note on Random Minimum Length Spanning Trees
Consider a connected r-regular n-vertex graph G with random independent edge lengths, each uniformly distributed on [0, 1]. Let mst(G) be the expected length of a minimum spanning...
Alan M. Frieze, Miklós Ruszinkó, Lub...
89views more  ALGORITHMICA 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Embedding Linkages on an Integer Lattice
This paper answers the following question: Given an \erector set" linkage, a connected set of xed-length links, what is the minimal needed to adjust the edge lengths so that ...
Susan Landau, Neil Immerman