

Implementation of an Internet-controlled system under variable delays

14 years 6 months ago
Implementation of an Internet-controlled system under variable delays
Abstract— This work deals with the control and the observation of a remote system using Internet as a communication line. The process consists in a Slave part S, with poor computing capacity, connected to a Master M through the Internet. The internal times of both M and S are synchronized thanks to a common GPS clock. The global system must ensure some speed performance whatever the delay variations. The main technical restriction is that the delays are less than some known bound, even if the framework we consider takes into account the perturbations generated by the Internet communication delays, by the packet losses and by the sampling phenomenon as well. In what concerns the design of the observer and controller, most of the theorems to be used here refer to proofs given in [14], and this will allow for focussing on the implementation aspects.
Alexandre Seuret, M. Termens-Ballester, A. Toguyen
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ETFA
Authors Alexandre Seuret, M. Termens-Ballester, A. Toguyeni, S. El Khattabi, Jean-Pierre Richard
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