

Implementation of a Standby-Power-Free CAM Based on Complementary Ferroelectric-Capacitor Logic

14 years 5 months ago
Implementation of a Standby-Power-Free CAM Based on Complementary Ferroelectric-Capacitor Logic
Abstract-- A complementary ferroelectriccapacitor (CFC) logic-circuit style is proposed for a compact and standby-power-free content-addressable memory (CAM). Since the use of the CFC logic circuit in designing a CAM cell makes it possible to merge both logic and non-volatile storage elements into serially connected ferroelectric capacitors, the CAM becomes compact. The standby power of the CAM is completely eliminated because the supply voltage can be cut off with maintaining stored data in the CAM. The test chip is fabricated by using 0.35-
Shoun Matsunaga, Takahiro Hanyu, Hiromitsu Kimura,
Added 12 Aug 2010
Updated 12 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Shoun Matsunaga, Takahiro Hanyu, Hiromitsu Kimura, T. Nakamura, H. Takasu
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