It is well-known that varying architectural, technological and implementation aspects of embedded microprocessors, such as ARM, can produce widely differing performance and power specifications. Frequency specifications of high-end realizations are often nearly 2x-3x over vanilla flows. Power optimization techniques used in high-end processor designs have also been reported to have the potential to produce 3x-10x improvements in power over standard flows. This tutorial reviews high-end processor design challenges, techniques and presents state-of-the-art flows for implementing embedded processors. These techniques include processor and architecture selection, verification, selection of technology node/process, selection of macros, selection and optimization of standard cell libraries, design/architecture and power planning, advanced timing and power optimization, design closure, design integration, variability-tolerance, and design-for-manufacturability. The tutorial arms the audience...
Vamsi Boppana, Rahoul Varma, S. Balajee