

Inbreeding Properties of Geometric Crossover and Non-geometric Recombinations

14 years 1 months ago
Inbreeding Properties of Geometric Crossover and Non-geometric Recombinations
Geometric crossover is a representation-independent generalization of traditional crossover for binary strings. It is defined using the distance associated to the search space in a simple geometric way. Many interesting recombination operators for the most frequently used representations are geometric crossovers under some suitable distance. Being a geometric crossover is useful because there is a growing number of theoretical results that apply to this class of operators. To show that a given recombination operator is a geometric crossover, it is sufficient to find a distance for which offspring are in the metric segment between parents associated with this distance. However, proving that a recombination operator is not a geometric crossover requires to prove that such an operator is not a geometric crossover under any distance. In this paper we develop some theoretical tools to prove non-geometricity results and show that some well-known operators are not geometric.
Alberto Moraglio, Riccardo Poli
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where FOGA
Authors Alberto Moraglio, Riccardo Poli
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