Geometric crossover is a representation-independent generalization of traditional crossover for binary strings. It is defined using the distance associated to the search space in ...
Abstract--Recombination operator plays a very important role in genetic algorithms. In this paper, we present binary coded genetic algorithms in which more than two parents are inv...
This work studies the edge-based representation of directed acyclic graphs, as well as the properties of recombination operators working on it. It is shown that this representation...
Most of the Evolutionary Algorithms handling variable-sized structures, like Genetic Programming, tend to produce too long solutions and the recombination operator used is often co...
Michael Defoin-Platel, Manuel Clergue, Philippe Co...
Simulated binary crossover (SBX) is a real-parameter recombination operator which is commonly used in the evolutionary algorithm (EA) literature. The operator involves a parameter...