

On the Instantiation of ADL Operators Involving Arbitrary First-Order Formulas

14 years 3 months ago
On the Instantiation of ADL Operators Involving Arbitrary First-Order Formulas
The generation of the set of all ground actions for a given set of ADL operators, which are allowed to have conditional effects and preconditions that can be represented using arbitrary first-order formulas is a complex process which heavily influences the performance of any planner or pre-planning analysis method. The paper describes a sophisticated instantiation procedure that determines so-called inertia in a given problem representation and uses them to perform simplifications of formulas during the instantiation process. As a result, many inapplicable actions are detected and ruled out from the domain representation yielding a much smaller search space for the planner.
Jana Koehler, Jörg Hoffmann
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where PUK
Authors Jana Koehler, Jörg Hoffmann
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