

Instruction Based Memory Distance Analysis and its Application

14 years 6 months ago
Instruction Based Memory Distance Analysis and its Application
Feedback-directed Optimization has become an increasingly important tool in designing and building optimizing compilers as itprovides a means to analyze complexprogram behavior that is not possible using traditional static analysis. Feedback-directed optimizationoffers the compiler opportunities to analyze and optimize the memory behavior of programs even when traditional array-based analysis not applicable. As a result, bothfloatingpoint and integer programs can memory hierarchy optimization. In this we examine the notion of memory distance as it is applied to the instruction space of a program and to directed optimization. Memory distance is dejined as a dynamic distance in terms of memory references between two accesses to the same memory location. We use memory distance to predict the miss rates of instructions in a program. Using the miss rates, we then identifi the program’s critical instructions set of high miss instructionswhose cumulative misses account for 95% of the L2 ca...
Changpeng Fang, Steve Carr, Soner Önder, Zhen
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Changpeng Fang, Steve Carr, Soner Önder, Zhenlin Wang
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