

Integral Learning Pedagogical Technique and Distance Learning applied in Laboratory Classes for Electrical and Computing Enginee

14 years 4 months ago
Integral Learning Pedagogical Technique and Distance Learning applied in Laboratory Classes for Electrical and Computing Enginee
- This paper presents the results of a PhD thesis research, with an innovative proposal for the development of a Technical Laboratory Disciplines in Electrical and Computing Engineering Schools. The presented system allows that the Teacher-Student interaction and the Teacher support be improved by using IT and Internet Communication. This proposal is an hybrid solution: part online part presential. With this solution is possible to enlarge the delivered contents and learning efficiency of a basic discipline of Electrical and Computing Engineering Curriculum. Another important feature of this methodology is the possibility of ensuring that the approved student in the learning process actually knows the entire transmitted pedagogical content. This proposal is named Integral Learning where is really possible to evaluate the students and to measure the difficulties of them during the respective learning process. This system was tried out for Engineering students and the results are present...
Paulo Alves Garcia, José Sidnei Colombo Mar
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where FECS
Authors Paulo Alves Garcia, José Sidnei Colombo Martini
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