

An integrated object model for activity network based simulation

14 years 1 months ago
An integrated object model for activity network based simulation
This paper describes an object-orientated simulation approach towards an integrated planning of production systems. The main obstacle for an integrated use of simulation over different planning areas and stages are the different views on a production system. Therefore, an object model is developed, which enables the co-existence of different views and levels of detail in the same simulation model while maintaining its consistency. This is achieved by combining object-orientated technology with a network based simulation approach. The prevailing idea is to offer the opportunity to re-use existing models for the investigation of different aspects of a production system. The is abstractly described as a conceptual object model and is thus, independent from a concrete simulation language, tool or environment. The last part of this paper introduces the simulation tool OSim, that implements this object model and demonstrates its usage through an example. 1 RESERVATIONS ON APPLYING SIMULATIO...
Gert Zülch, Jörg Fischer, Uwe Jonsson
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where WSC
Authors Gert Zülch, Jörg Fischer, Uwe Jonsson
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