

Integrated Rate and Credit Feedback Control for ABR Service in ATM Networks

14 years 4 months ago
Integrated Rate and Credit Feedback Control for ABR Service in ATM Networks
We propose a ow-control scheme that combines the merits of credit- and rate-based ow-control schemes by applying direct control over both bandwidth and bu er resources. The goal of the proposed scheme is to design an optimal ratecontrol policy for a given nite bu er capacity that maximizes average throughput and bounds end-to-end delay. By applying higher-order rate control, the proposed scheme not only makes the rate process converge to the neighborhood of link bandwidth, but also con nes the queue-length uctuation to a regime bounded by bu er capacity (thus guaranteeing lossless transmission). Using the uid approximation method, we model the proposed ow-control scheme and study the system dynamic behavior for ABR (Available Bit Rate) service under the most stressful trac condition. We derive the expressions for queue build-ups and average throughput in both transient and equilibrium states. The analytical results have shown the proposed scheme to be stable and ecient in that...
Xi Zhang, Kang G. Shin, Qin Zheng
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Authors Xi Zhang, Kang G. Shin, Qin Zheng
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