

Integrating Co-design Practices into the Development of Mobile Science Collaboratories

14 years 7 months ago
Integrating Co-design Practices into the Development of Mobile Science Collaboratories
Scientific practices increasingly incorporate sensors for data capture, information visualization for data analysis, and low-cost mobile devices for fieldbased inquiries incorporating open web standards. While a broad range of design approaches for developing technology-enhanced learning has been used by researchers and practitioners for the last 15 years, significant challenges for educational use remain as new technologies and user experiences continually evolve outside the classroom. We focus on the specific design challenge of how to initiate the codesign process together with teachers, researchers, scientists, designers, and developers in order to devise and develop mobile science collaboratories that support open inquiry-based learning in ecology education. The outcomes presented in this paper point towards the need for additional methods to support codesign that take into consideration future user experiences needed for developing and implementing these types of learning activi...
Daniel Spikol, Marcelo Milrad, Heidy Maldonado, Ro
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Daniel Spikol, Marcelo Milrad, Heidy Maldonado, Roy D. Pea
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