

Integrating query and hypertext modeling in web information systems development

14 years 1 months ago
Integrating query and hypertext modeling in web information systems development
MIDAS is a model-driven methodology for Web Information Systems development based on the OMG's Model Driven Architecture. It proposes to use UML to describe different views of the system. For PIM and PSM levels, MIDAS defines different aspects including content, hypertext and functionality, and, for each aspect, it also defines models and mappings between them. Content Models represent how the information is internally structured in the system. Hypertext Models represents how to organize the information to be presented to the user by means of Web pages, and how to navigate between such Web pages. Such organization and navigation usually imply to query a database. In this paper we propose, at PIM level, represent the semantics of such queries associated to hypertext models by means of a set of Query Models. KEYWORDS Query Modeling, Hypertext Modeling, Web Information Systems Modeling.
José María Cavero, Esperanza Marcos,
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors José María Cavero, Esperanza Marcos, Belén Vela, Paloma Cáceres, Carmen Costilla
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