

Interactive Models From Images of a Static Scene

13 years 10 months ago
Interactive Models From Images of a Static Scene
FXPAL's Pantheia system enables users to create virtual models by `marking up' a physical space with pre-printed visual markers. The meanings associated with the markers come from a markup language that enables the system to create models from a relatively sparse set of markers. This paper describes extensions to our markup language and system that support the creation of interactive virtual objects. Users place markers to define components such as doors and drawers with which an end user of the model can interact. Other interactive elements, such as controls for color changes or lighting choices, are also supported. Pantheia produced a model of a room with hinged doors, a cabinet with drawers, doors, and color options, and a railroad track.
Eleanor G. Rieffel, Don Kimber, Jim Vaughan, Sagar
Added 16 Feb 2011
Updated 16 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where CGVR
Authors Eleanor G. Rieffel, Don Kimber, Jim Vaughan, Sagar Gattepally, Jun Shingu
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