
13 years 10 months ago
Complemental Use of Multiple Cameras for Stable Tracking of Multiple Markers
Abstract. In many applications of Augmented Reality (AR), rectangular markers are tracked in real time by capturing with cameras. In this paper, we consider the AR application in w...
Yuki Arai, Hideo Saito
13 years 10 months ago
Interactive Models From Images of a Static Scene
FXPAL's Pantheia system enables users to create virtual models by `marking up' a physical space with pre-printed visual markers. The meanings associated with the markers...
Eleanor G. Rieffel, Don Kimber, Jim Vaughan, Sagar...
153views Education» more  CORR 1998»
13 years 12 months ago
Identifying Discourse Markers in Spoken Dialog
In this paper, we present a method for identifying discourse marker usage in spontaneous speech based on machine learning. Discourse markers are denoted by special POS tags, and t...
Peter A. Heeman, Donna K. Byron, James F. Allen
92views more  CN 2002»
14 years 4 days ago
TCP-friendly traffic conditioning in DiffServ networks: a memory-based approach
Recently, there has been a considerable research interest in designing intelligent markers, tailored for TCP traffic. Markers, one of the building blocks of a traffic conditioner ...
K. R. Renjish Kumar, Akkihebbal L. Ananda, Lillyku...
74views more  LISP 2007»
14 years 5 days ago
Improving the lazy Krivine machine
Krivine presents the K machine, which produces weak head normal form results. Sestoft introduces several call-by-need variants of the K machine that implement result sharing via pu...
Daniel P. Friedman, Abdulaziz Ghuloum, Jeremy G. S...
117views more  BMCBI 2006»
14 years 11 days ago
The Cluster Variation Method for Efficient Linkage Analysis on Extended Pedigrees
Background: Computing exact multipoint LOD scores for extended pedigrees rapidly becomes infeasible as the number of markers and untyped individuals increase. When markers are exc...
Cornelis A. Albers, Martijn A. R. Leisink, Hilbert...
126views more  BMCBI 2010»
14 years 13 days ago
A boosting method for maximizing the partial area under the ROC curve
Background: The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a fundamental tool to assess the discriminant performance for not only a single marker but also a score function c...
Osamu Komori, Shinto Eguchi
181views Algorithms» more  AAIM 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Efficient Exact and Approximate Algorithms for the Complement of Maximal Strip Recovery
Given two genomic maps G and H represented by a sequence of n gene markers, a strip (syntenic block) is a sequence of distinct markers of length at least two which appear as subseq...
Binhai Zhu
14 years 6 months ago
Visually Elegant and Robust Semi-Fiducials for Geometric Registration in Mixed Reality
This paper describes a novel image-based geometric registration method using visually elegant and robust semi-fiducial markers in mixed reality (MR). Most traditional visual marke...
Ryuhei Tenmoku, Yusuke Yoshida, Fumihisa Shibata, ...
14 years 6 months ago
A novel approach for Self-Localization based on Computer Vision and Artificial Marker Deposition
— A new velocity and position sensor concept for manned and unmanned ground vehicles is proposed. The idea of this system is to temporarily place artificial markers in the enviro...
Savan Chhaniyara, Kaspar Althoefer, Yahya H. Zweir...